
International projects 


About the projects

Over the years, we have established a compact yet capable project team that deals with outgoing and incoming mobility's. We're actively participating in Erasmus+ programme and in various national and international seminars that deal with transnnational mobility. Current project is funded through Erasmus+ VET KA1 programme and was a part of our application to 2016' call for proposals. You can access the project page here, also, follow us on Facebook!

In the meantime you can check out presentation of our school (English, link opens in new tab): PDF presentation

About the school

english flag.bmp-for-web-small EN
About School
1st Technical School Tesla (I. tehnička škola Tesla) is located in the centre of Croatian capital, Zagreb. It is vocational secondary school with two main departments: Department for mechanical technicians and Department for electrical technicians and their education.
The mechanical department is smaller (8 classes) but very well equipped. Our students take classes in mathematics, physics, mechanical design, CNC milling and turning, additive technologies (3D printing and scanning) and automation (PLC). The students acquire and improve their vocational skills in school training. 
The electrical department is much bigger then mechanical (32 classes) and we take classes in mathematics, physics, in IT, electrical circuits, microprocessors, and digital electronics.
A long-term objective of the school is to improve the teaching procedures and strategies and let the students access to European labor market on equal opportunities as other European citizens. Thus, it is intended to contribute to their formation as responsible citizens in their work and their social and cultural life.

de DE
Über die Schule
I .tehnička škola Tesla (Erste technische Schule Tesla) im Stadtzentrum von kroatischen Hauptstadt Zagreb ist die Berufsschule mit zwei beruflichen Abteilungen bzw. Hauptrichtungen, wo die zukünftigen Maschinenbautechniker und Elektrotechniker ausgebildet werden.
Der mechanische Teil ist kleiner (8 Klassen), aber für kroatische Umstände sehr gut ausgestattet. Unsere Schüler werden u.a. auch in Mathematik, Physik, technischer Zeichnung, CNC-Bearbeitung unterrichtet. Die Schüler erwerben ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zum größten Teil in der Schule.
Elektrotechnische Abteilung ist viel größer (32 Klassen) und da unterrichtet man Mathematik, Physik, Informatik, Elektronik, digitale Elektronik usw.
Das Hauptziel der Schule ist es, die Unterrichtsprozesse zu verbessern und den Schülern die Chancengleichheit zu eröffnen, um den europäischen Arbeitsmarkt unter gleichen Voraussetzungen zu betreten, die den anderen Bürgern Europas eingeräumt sind. Unser Zugang wird ihrer Erziehung aber auch ihrer Bildung zu mündigen Bürgern beitragen.

hr HR
O školi
I. tehnička škola Tesla u centru hrvatske prijestolnice Zagreba je srednja strukovna škola sa dva glavna strukovna područja na kojem se obrazuju budući strojarski tehničari i elektrotehničari.
Strojarski dio je manji (8 razreda) ali jako dobro opremljen. Našim učenicima se predaje matematika, fizika, tehničko crtanje, CNC obrade. Učenici stiču svoja znanja i vještine kroz nastavu u školi.
Elektrotehnički dio je puno veći (32 razreda) i predaje se matematika, fizika, informatika, elektronika i digitalna elektronika.
Osnovni cilj škole je poboljšati nastavni proces i dati učenicima šansu da pristupe europskom tržištu rada temeljem jednakih mogućnosti kao što ih imaju ostali građani Europe. Dotično će doprinijeti njihovom odrastanju i formiranju u odgovorne građane pri radu i u društvenom životu.


I. tehnička škola Tesla - Vizija budućnosti.